Warm layers

Warm layers

Responsibility report 2023-2024

Responsibility report 2023-2024



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    Customer care
    Customer care is available:
    Monday – Friday: 9am to 5pm (CET+1)
    Saturday – Sunday: Closed
    Tel: DK + 45 5251 2545 / USA +1 (909) 487-2811
    Tekla Copenhagen
    The store is open:
    Monday – Friday: 11am to 6pm (CET+1)
    Saturday: 11am to 5pm (CET+1)
    Sunday: Closed
    Tel: +45 31 18 89 79
    Customer inquiries:
    Wholesale and other commercial inquiries:
    Press, marketing and branding inquiries:
    Vestergade 12A, 2nd floor
    1456 Copenhagen, Denmark.
    DK: 37859095
    Never hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. If you feel that your inquiry is outside the scope of the above, reach out anyway and we will do our best to help.
    Online support
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