Warm layers

Warm layers

Responsibility report 2023-2024

Responsibility report 2023-2024



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    Product care
    To make elevated pieces of uncompromising quality, we carefully consider every aspect. From selecting the best materials to conceiving functional details, every piece is made to quietly improve daily rituals.
    Proper care of your pieces can maintain this quality for longer. It’s the simplest way to get the most out of your investment, but it’s also an important mindset to adopt because maintaining is better than replacing. These simple yet effective guidelines can help you care for your products and enjoy them for longer.
    Read more about how to care for your pieces.
    220908 TEKLA CARE 01 soaking in water 0641
    Read how to ensure an effective clean
    220908 TEKLA CARE 03 hangning 0432
    Read how to dry in a gentler way
    220908 TEKLA CARE 03 stain 0442
    Read how to treat different stains
    220908 TEKLA CARE 02 sowing on button 0323
    Read how to mend your Tekla product
    220908 TEKLA CARE 04 storage 0507
    Read how to properly store textiles
    Care guide
    Second life
    Read how to reduce waste
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